Here is a stunning modernised edgey take on a mohawk hairstyle. Learn about creating certain movements in the hair can create more interesting styles. This video is fully downloadable and yours to keep once purchasing it. 

In this video, you learn how to create the middle parted layered fringe. This is a soft take on the traditional volumised middle parted hair style. You can use these techniques to create styles for registry or reception hair. It also looks amazing for an Indian wedding when incorporated with a low bun. In this style I pair the layered fringe up with a simple and quick twisted feature. This video is fully downloadable and yours to keep once purchasing it.

A simple twist can be the foundation for the most intricate of styles. Learn how to incorporate this technique to give your styles more effectivity. This video is fully downloadable and yours to keep once purchasing it.

Here's an elegant top know that requires no padding nots or pre-curling. Simply about the technique, this look is perfect for a reception, civil wedding or even for a bridesmaid. This video is fully downloadable and yours to keep once purchasing it.


View our Live on May 12th, where I will Arpita will be doing a live session

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